Syngonium: Easy and Complete Care Guide
It is also known as arrowhead plant or singonium, because of the shape of its leaves.
It is a creeping or climbing plant that can reach several meters in height if given a support. It has a very decorative foliage, with different shades and patterns of color depending on the variety. In addition, it is a plant that purifies the air and that adapts well to indoor cultivation.
History about Syngonium:
The Syngonium was first described by the botanist Heinrich Wilhelm Schott in 1829. The generic name comes from the Greek and means "with ovaries", referring to the structure of its flowers.
The specific name podophyllum means "with foot-shaped leaves", alluding to its arrow shape.
The Syngonium has been cultivated for a long time as an ornamental and medicinal plant in its natural habitat, and has been introduced in other tropical and subtropical regions of the world.
It has also been hybridized to obtain new varieties with different colors and leaf shapes.
Syngonium Care guide:
Β Care Guide: Lighting
The Syngonium needs indirect and moderate light to grow well and maintain its coloration. It does not tolerate direct sun, which can burn its leaves.
It can be placed near a window facing east or west, or in a place with artificial light. If the plant loses color or becomes dark green, it means that it lacks light.
Care Guide: Watering
The Syngonium needs regular watering but without flooding the substrate. It should be watered when the surface of the soil is slightly dry to the touch, avoiding that the roots rot.
In winter it can space out the watering, but without letting the plant dry out completely. It is recommended to use water at room temperature and without lime.
Care Guide: Humidity
The Syngonium is a plant that loves environmental humidity, as it comes from a tropical climate.
It should spray its leaves with water every two or three days, or place the pot on a plate with stones and water to create humidity by evaporation.
You can also locate the plant near other plants that increase humidity, or use a humidifier.
Care Guide: Fertilizer
The Syngonium needs a liquid fertilizer for green plants every two weeks during spring and summer, following the manufacturer's instructions.
In autumn and winter you can reduce the frequency to once a month or suspend the fertilizer. You should avoid excess fertilizer, which can damage the roots and leaves.
Care Guide: Repotting
The Syngonium should be repotted every spring to a slightly larger pot, using a light and well-drained substrate, containing peat, perlite and sand. You should make a hole in the bottom of the pot to facilitate water drainage.
You should remove excess roots and old soil, and place the plant in the center of the pot, covering the roots with new substrate.
Care Guide: Pruning
The Syngonium should be pruned to maintain its shape and remove dead or damaged leaves. You can cut longer stems or those that grow downward, leaving about 10 cm from the base.
You can also cut stems that have nodes to encourage branching. You should use clean and disinfected scissors to prevent infections.
Care Guide: Pests
To prevent pests, you should keep the plant clean and free of dust, avoid excess moisture and inspect it regularly.
If you notice any signs of infestation, you can use a cotton swab soaked in alcohol to remove the insects or apply a natural insecticide.
Care Guide: Diseases
The Syngonium is not very prone to diseases, but it can suffer from fungal or bacterial infections if the soil is too wet or the ventilation is poor. You should avoid overwatering and improve air circulation.
If you see any spots or lesions on the leaves or stems, you can cut off the affected parts and apply a fungicide or bactericide.
Ideal places for Syngonium:
The Syngonium is an ideal plant for indoor spaces, as it does not need much light and purifies the air. It can be placed in living rooms, bedrooms, offices or bathrooms, as long as the temperature and humidity are adequate.
It can also be grown outdoors in warm and humid climates, in shaded or semi-shaded areas. It can be used as a ground cover or as a climber on walls or fences.
The Syngonium is a beautiful and easy-to-care plant that will add a touch of color and freshness to your home. It has many varieties to choose from and it adapts well to different environments.
It also helps to improve the air quality and the energy flow in your space. If you follow the simple care tips that I have given you, you will enjoy this plant for a long time.